Thursday, February 2, 2012

Tasting Room Wine

Anybody tried TastingRoom.Com? In short, they sell packs of "tasting size" bottles of various wines. Each pack has six little bottles and typically focuses on a grape variety or a region. Mrs. P90 and I ordered two packs, one of Zinfandels and one that focuses on Mendocino County.

We did the first tasting (the Mendocino wines) last weekend, and it was a lot of fun. Tasting Room provides tasting notes for each wine and a form for recording your own notes and comments. We tasted first, made our own notes, and then compared to the professional notes.

We learned two things. 1. We should be drinking more wines from Mendocino, especially the Carol Shelton Wing Thing Zin. 2. Apparently, we don't know the aroma of enough fruits. I can't remember the last time I smelled a boysenberry...

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